Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square
Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square
Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

Singapore Home Cams Hacked Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square
Singapore Home Cams Hacked Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

 Protecting your home cams from hacking and ensuring their security involves several measures:

  1. Secure Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for your cameras. Avoid using default or easily guessable passwords.
  2. Firmware Updates: Keep your camera’s firmware updated to the latest version. Manufacturers often release patches to fix security vulnerabilities.
  3. Network Security: Use a secure Wi-Fi network with encryption (WPA2 or WPA3). Avoid public or unsecured networks for camera connections.
  4. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA whenever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.
  5. Regular Checks: Routinely review your camera’s settings and access logs for any unusual activity.

To spot if your footage has been stolen and sold:

  1. Unusual Activity: Check for unexpected login attempts, changes in settings, or unfamiliar devices accessing your camera.
  2. Monitoring Access Logs: Regularly review the access logs provided by your camera’s app or web interface. Look for any unauthorized access.
  3. Public Posting: Sometimes, hacked footage might appear on pornographic sites or other platforms. Regularly search for your location or specific identifying features in case your footage has been shared online without your permission.

If you suspect your footage has been compromised:

  1. Contact Authorities: Report the incident to the police or relevant authorities. They might be able to assist in identifying and stopping the dissemination of your footage.
  2. Camera Manufacturer or Support: Contact the camera manufacturer’s support team for guidance and assistance. They might offer specific steps to mitigate the issue.

Regarding the Sim Lim Square incident you mentioned, it’s important to stay updated with news and official announcements from authorities regarding such incidents. Singaporean authorities often issue advisories and guidelines to address security concerns related to tech devices.

Always prioritize your privacy and security by staying vigilant and taking necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access to your home cameras.

Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

There’s many OEM products On-line (just put their brand, no Factory, no R&D, no Tech Support, no firmware update, not Secure)
2020 October 5000 CCTV Video clip leaks, sold to porn site due to Security reasons, not just ID & Password level.

Cheap SD card with low write & read speed only workable for Pictures, Documents, Links….
Not for Full HD 1080P & 4K videos, after long recording, CAN’T Playback.

SINGAPORE (THE NEW PAPER) – Security cameras in Singapore homes have been hacked, and the footage shared online.

Clips from the hacked footage were uploaded on pornographic sites recently, with several explicitly tagged as being from Singapore.

The videos, which can last from under a minute to more than 20 minutes, feature couples, breastfeeding mothers and even children.

Most of them were in various stages of undress or compromising positions.

Many faces could be clearly seen in different areas of the home such as the living room and bedroom. Some were seen using the toilet with the door ajar.

In one video, time-stamped March 2020, a teenage girl could be seen clad in a white T-shirt and her underwear, with school books around her. Among them was an O-level 10-Year Series book used by students preparing for the exam.


The public are advised to take these precautions to secure their IP cameras

– Do not look for Cheap IP Camera – sell and forget, Just OEM brands NOT Manufacturers, NO R&D research & developments, no Patching & Updates from Bugs & Hackers,
NO Security.

– Use an IP camera from a trusted brand offering reliable security features

– Update the software for the IP camera as soon as it is available

– Use a strong password, and change it regularly. Do not use the default password that came with the IP camera…. read more (ST), read more (Mothership)

Home Cams Hacked Singapore Stolen Footage sold on Pornographic sites. Singapore Home Videos CCTV Store Sim Lim Square

网络摄像机遭入侵, 新加坡住家私密生活成色情网直播内容

今天最让人背脊一凉、冷汗直冒的新闻,就是日前被揭发的网络摄像机(IP camera)被黑客入侵,居家隐私泄露的新闻。


本地网络媒体Mustsharenews今早报道说,全球有一个黑客群体,专门入侵这些网络摄像机,而且还毫不掩饰地在这些被入侵的视频中留下“电子印迹”,根本不怕被他人发现是幕后黑手。媒体就是依靠这些“电子印迹”追查到​这个黑客群体的聊天群… read more.


自己家都不安全!黑客入侵新加坡住家电眼 色情网直播隐私

更衣、哺乳、房事、从浴室裸露走出房间,当屋内装有电眼时,这一幕幕都可能被黑客侵入电眼当成“直播秀”任人看!有黑客在聊天平台称能入侵本地住家的网络摄像机,并提供超过4000张截图和视频给人“试看”,再游说他们付费加入群组牟利,猖狂至极. read more

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